I was diagnosed with asthma at age nine. I never thought that I
could do something about it except go to the doctor and refill my
preventative inhaler and my rescue inhaler. I truly believed this was
the normal routine for a person with asthma until I stopped getting
relief from my inhalers. Around Thanksgiving 2011 I was struggling
terribly with my asthma. Wheezing, chest tightness, and panic were
daily occurrences. I would be puffing away on my inhalers to help ease
the pain but it was only helpful for about an hour. I was scared. Thirty
two years old and my lungs feel useless.
That week I was in the
doctor's office again. We were talking about my symptoms and then we got
on the topic of food triggers. I started telling him that I had noticed
some connection between certain foods and asthma flare ups to which he
replied "hmm, that's interesting." But for me the cartoon light bulb
went off over my head! I screamed at myself inside my head "why don't I
stop eating those foods!"
The doctor sent me on my way with
another prescription that I filled but never used. I left his office
with an adrenaline rush. I was in control. I was going to stop eating
those foods immediately, but I knew I could do more than that.
sat down at my kitchen table, fired up the laptop, and started a
self-evaluation. I started listing the things that I could control that
would have impact and sustainability in controlling my asthma. I used a back to basics approach and kept it as simple as possible.
Here are the top 5 steps to obliterate asthma:
1. Mindset change
was not the life wanted and I was no longer going to accept it. I
realized for the first time that I truly could make choices that would
obliterate my asthma. If you really grab a hold of this mindset it is
2. Minimize or completely stop eating foods that can trigger asthma
Foods that contain refined sugar, refined white flour, and dairy are the big ones on my hit list.
3. Eat more vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices that are known to prevent inflammation.
romaine lettuce, parsley, celery, kale, apples, ripe bananas, chia
seeds, aloe, garlic, ginger root, turmeric, and clove bud are known to
help fight asthma
4. Drink more water.
I'm talking H2O not
flavored water, juice, or tea. Real water! I want to emphasize this
because it was so simple that I didn't do it for a long time. I can
think of days when I never had one glass of real water. There are entire
books and websites devoted to the topic of drinking water, so don't
miss this one!
5. Stop mouth breathing.
The nose is specifically designed for breathing. It warms, moisturizes, and filters the air that enters our lungs.
my inhalers sit on a shelf collecting dust. I have more energy, I'm
relaxed, and I'm not afraid of asthma. Making simple changes that have
big impact and that can be sustained are critical to taking control and
obliterating asthma.
Have you ever thought, "What can I do to get rid of asthma?"
I suffered for years with asthma. Late night trips to the hospital for breathing treatments, carrying two inhalers, trying different prescriptions, and waking up in the middle of the night in a panic trying to catch my breathe.
I suffered for years with asthma. Late night trips to the hospital for breathing treatments, carrying two inhalers, trying different prescriptions, and waking up in the middle of the night in a panic trying to catch my breathe.