With rapidly increasing air pollution across the globe, especially in
urban and industrial hubs, there has been an alarming rise in the
incidence of asthma and other respiratory illnesses all around the
world. According to conservative estimates, at present around 300
million people in the world are in need of asthma treatment, and this
number is expected to rise by another 100 million by 2025.
characteristic feature of Asthma is an excessive reactivity of the
respiratory system (main wind pipe and its numerous branches) to a
variety of external stimuli resulting in their narrowing and
constriction along with increased secretions. These changes result in
the following typical symptoms:
- Breathlessness
- Cough
- Wheezing
There may be an initial constriction feeling in the chest
prior to the actual onset of symptoms. The common allergens that
provoke an asthma attack include dust, pollen, moulds, change of
weather, pet animals, chemicals in air or food, tobacco smoke, stress,
Traditionally, asthma treatment involves the use of
bronchodilators, steroids, and nebulising agents (in oral, inhaler or
injectable forms) to relieve the constriction and narrowing. These
asthma treatments help in achieving a certain degree of control over the
symptoms. However, there is no conventional asthma treatment to reduce
the excessive reactivity or sensitivity of the airways.
Thus, it
is a well recognized fact that despite spending billions of dollars on
asthma research worldwide, Asthma treatment remains one of the toughest
challenges for the medical fraternity. An attack can be easily
precipitated by the presence of triggering factors.
The world
today is shifting its focus towards homeopathic treatment for asthma
which aims at reducing the excessive reactivity or sensitivity of the
airways towards harmless environmental factors.
treatment for Asthma reduces the hypersensitive response by modifying
the patient's immune system. This causes marked reduction in severity of
the attacks. Homeopathic treatment for asthma focuses on treating the
patient rather than merely treating the symptoms of the disease. Thus,
homeopathic treatment for asthma helps in regulating the immune system
of the patient rather than suppressing it.
Homeopathic treatment
for Asthma includes a detailed study of the patient's case history in
order to find out the patient's individuality that distinguishes him/her
from others. Once the patient's unique portrait has been painted in
minute detail, then the remedy that closely matches is selected as the
right remedy.
Asthma treatment with such a remedy then gradually
brings about a marked improvement in the patient's symptoms providing
him with initial relief. However, more importantly, such a well selected
remedy then begins changing the patient's immune response and reduces
the oversensitivity or reactivity over a period of time. Thus
homeopathic treatment for asthma brings about a rapid, gentle and
permanent cure in the patient's asthma.
Thus, homeopathic treatment for Asthma is your best bet for attaining freedom from Asthma!