We've all heard stories about ordinary people exhibiting
superhuman strength during an emergency. From lifting cars off of
injured loved ones to wrestling polar bears (it happened), the body's
stress response can transform each of us into less angry (and less
green) versions of the Incredible Hulk. One of the steroid hormones that
makes such startling transformations possible is called cortisol. Released
in enormous quantities when acute stress strikes, cortisol is also
secreted in response to daily events and circumstances, such as waking
up in the morning or working out at the gym. In other words, it is
normal for cortisol levels to fluctuate widely throughout the day. What
is not normal or healthy, however, is to have consistently elevated
levels of the steroid hormone in your system.
What is Cortisol Resistance?
acute stress strikes, cortisol has the power to shut down unnecessary
bodily functions, such as reproduction and the immune system, in order
to help the body direct all of its energies toward the offending
stressor. These interruptions in service are supposed to be of extremely
short duration, just long enough for acute stress to subside. But what
happens when you have high levels of cortisol flowing through your body
at all hours of the day, even when you don't need it? In rare cases, it
is possible for extremely stressed-out individuals to develop a
resistance to the vital hormone. How does it happen?
Just as the
cells of a person's body can become resistant to the hormone insulin,
there are documented cases of patients whose bodies do not use cortisol
effectively. The most common cause of the condition, according to
medical professionals, is prolonged exposure to high levels of the
stress hormone. Again, like insulin resistance, the disorder often
results in serious health problems that must be treated in order for the
body to maintain some semblance of homeostasis. But because we live in
age when chronic stress is becoming the norm, more and more people are
being diagnosed with this once rare condition.
The Effects of Elevated Cortisol
addition to raising our blood sugar to give us the energy we need to
either fight or flee, cortisol modulates immune function and raises
blood pressure - both of which are good for us in the short term. But
when the cortisol switch is never turned off because of chronic stress,
the vital hormone can have deleterious effects on our weight, immune
function, and heart health. Let us take a moment to discuss how high
cortisol levels work against us over time.
Elevated Blood Sugar
a middle-age suburban mom finds her teenage son pinned under a car that
has slipped off its jack in the garage, cortisol instantly taps protein
stores to create massive amounts of glucose, giving her the energy
should would need to lift the vehicle off her child and save his life.
Because glucose is a simple sugar and our main energy source, it raises
our blood sugar anytime it is needed to deal with stress. When this
happens, insulin is released for the pancreas in order to lower our
blood sugar to healthy levels. But when insulin is constantly being
released in order to tamp down elevated glucose levels, our cells may
become resistant to the effects of the vital hormone due to
overexposure. One of the most common health issues in the Western world,
insulin resistance greatly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and is
highly correlated to elevated cortisol levels.
We should also
mention that elevated blood sugar increases your risk of weight gain and
obesity. This occurs because consistently high blood glucose levels
combined with insulin suppression (caused by high cortisol) leads to
cells that are starved for glucose (energy). As a result, the person who
is made up of those cells will inevitably experience increasingly
powerful hunger pains, which may force him/her to overeat.
Immune System Suppression
works to reduce inflammation in the body, which is healthy; but
chronically elevated levels of the hormone can also suppress the immune
system. An unchecked immune system can increase your risk of a whole
host of health issues, including colds and flu, food allergies, certain
types of cancer, gastrointestinal issues, and possibly even autoimmune
diseases. It is no wonder then that people with consistently high
cortisol levels have more health problems than those with normal levels
of the hormone.
High Blood Pressure
more oxygenated blood our hearts can pump to our muscles, the more
energy they can make when they need it. To expedite and improve the
process, cortisol constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure
when we are under intense stress. Once again, these changes are healthy
and necessary when our bodies need incredible amounts of energy
immediately, but not so salubrious when they are carried out ad
infinitum. Over a protracted period of time, constant arterial
constriction combined with high blood pressure can damage blood vessels
and create plaque buildup: the perfect conditions for a heart attack.
This almost certainly explains why stressed-out individuals are at a
significantly higher risk for heart problems.
you suspect that elevated cortisol levels are to blame for your recent
health issues, you should be tested immediately. A fast, accurate, and
noninvasive salivary test, the adrenal stress index (ASI) checks for
adrenal function and is a highly reliable indication of overall cortisol
levels. If an experienced medical professional determines that your
cortisol levels are, in fact, dangerously high, there are several steps
you can take to reverse the unhealthy trend.
Stress management
and most importantly, you must get your stress under control! Some of
the most common and effective strategies for stress reduction include
getting more sleep, deep breathing, acupuncture/massage, any type of
exercise, and meditation. It may also be helpful to confront the source
of your stress with the advice and guidance of a mental health
Healthy diet
Just like
stress, systemic inflammation results in elevated cortisol levels. If we
can gradually and naturally decrease the inflammation in our bodies and
reduce our stress, levels of the vital hormone should return to normal
in short order. How can we do it? It all begins with our dietary
choices. Although okay in moderation, alcohol, caffeine, and foods with
high glycemic loads and lots of saturated and trans fatty acids are
believed to contribute to inflammation. On the flipside, foods with high
fiber, antioxidants, and lots of phytonutrients are believed to reduce
inflammation over time. There are also a handful of healthy herbal
supplements that can reduce stress and anxiety naturally, without any
risk of addiction, overdose, or serious side effects. Curcumin, magnolia
bark, and ashwagandha are three of our favorites.
is proof that too much of a good thing can be bad for us. Although
life-saving and healthful when delivered in the right quantities at the
right time, the powerful stress hormone can wreck havoc on our immune
and cardiovascular systems, make us gain weight, and put us at a higher
risk of diabetes. The good news is that elevated cortisol levels and the
health issues they cause can be reversed with proper diet, regular
exercise, and stress management. But before implementing any dietary or
lifestyle changes, it is important to have your cortisol levels tested
by a medical professional.