I never had allergies growing up. I basically lived outside all
spring and summer and never thought twice before dashing outside to play
soccer or football with my friends. My curfew was when the street
lights turned on and I didn't have a care in the world, especially when
it came to allergies.
Things are different now, especially with
the amount of people who deal with allergies. And this issue isn't just
affecting adults. Kids are in the allergy group just the same. It seems
like the allergy issue is out of control.
But Why?
hard to say. There are a lot more chemicals in our food, our water has
more additives in it and I know that has something to do with it. The
bottom line though is that we can't get away from whatever gives us
allergies. It is everywhere and in everything around us so we are going
to need a good defense. And that's where essential oils come in.
of certain essential oils have been proven to act as histamine
antagonists or antihistamines. Allergies spring up from a sensitivity to
certain microscopic components in our surroundings so it only fits that
something microscopic is needed to fight it. Essential Oils are that
Essential oils react with our bodies at the cellular
level. Combinations of essential oils interact with the delicate
receptors that are at the root of all allergy problems. Essential oils
can block our body's receptor sites from the harmful organisms that
cause so many allergic reactions.
Allergies and How They Affect Your Immune System
are manifest in numerous ways. Whether you are sneezing, coughing or
clawing your itchy eyes out, it's the same. Your immune system is
reacting to its surroundings and doing its best to protect you against
harmless micro-organisms and it is succeeding. But when it comes to
allergies your immune system is working overtime when it shouldn't be.
This is a problem and that is why allergies are so annoying.
How To Strengthen Your Immune System
the case of allergies, the immune system is functioning completely
fine. But that integral body system needs all the help it can get.
Essential oils have proven to be a fantastic help to every system in our
body. They have been proven to heighten your body's ability to fight
viruses, bacteria and most everything else you may come into contact
with. They are a fantastic help in my life and the life of my family and
can be in yours too.